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Full color 8 1/2" x 11" visual vocabulary is printed on bright white paper. 7th Grade Formulas includes the following:

  1. Formula - defined
  2. A = (b₁+b₂)h 2 or 12(b1+b2)h – Area of a Trapezoid
  3. A = bh2 or (1/2)bh – Area of a Triangle
  4. A = bh – Area of a Rectangle
  5. A = P(1+r)tCompound Interest
  6. A = s² or s x s – Area of a Square
  7. A = πrs – Area of a Circle
  8. Area - defined
  9. B = l×w or b×h - Base (B) of 3-D figure
  10. b-value – y-intercept of graph
  11. Base – of a 2-D shape
  12. Base – of a 3-D shape
  13. C = πd or π2rCircle Circumference
  14. Circumference
  15. d = rt Distance (general formula)
  16. Diameter - defined
  17. h = height of 3-D shape
  18. Height - of 2-D shape
  19. I = PrtSimple Interest
  20. k = yx  - Constant of Proportionality
  21. Radius - defined
  22. Rate - defined
  23. V = 1/3Bh or Bh/3 – Pyramid Volume
  24. V = BhVolume of prisms
  25. Volume - defined
  26. y = kxProportional
  27. y = mx+bY-intercept formula
  28. π (Pi) - defined

Vocabualry - 7th Grade Formulas

SKU: 11077719
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